block building |
threading beads |
There are, I discovered, some very cool websites (particularly blogs) providing inspiring ideas of new ways to stimulate and play with a toddler - and many of them are so basic and simple, that you just wouldn't really think of doing them. It is weird, but I think I can forget that toys (objects of discovery and/or fun) are seriously all around us.
Another thing is making sure that Sabine gets exposed to activities that I wouldn't necessarily be drawn to because I don't like it. Math for example. I am much more open to letters than numbers. Except for counting to 3 firmly when I am being all serious, I don't usually include numbers in our conversations.
All that said, there are incredible resources: books, magazines and websites overflowing with cool things to do with a young toddler. I recently got the book "I Can Do It" by Maja Pitamic. I really recommend this book. It is perhaps a bit more geared towards somewhat older kids - but not all of the activities. Also, it is good to get read her ideas and then tailoring them to your own kids' level. It is a Montessori book. The cover says it all, "Play and learn activities to help your child discover the world the Montessori way".
The chapters are: Life skills, developing the senses, language, numeracy and science. It is a full color book with large font making the reading of it pleasant and quick.
Recently we did the "pouring"activity as suggested in the book. Sabine already knows how to pour water from the bath. But this activity, something that I would likely not have thought of, was absolutely enthralling for her.
We used dry black eyed peas first and then incorporated quinoa. She was all into it, doing her serious face and then looking up and flashing one of her "aren't I cool?" looks.
A TRAY is highly recommended for this task! (Hindsight 20/20) |
This kept her contentedly busy - and learning stuff too!
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