Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Girls growing up and picking apples

Now that we have bought the new apartment and moved and even mostly finished unpacking, I can do more blogging and get to gettin' on to new projects! Yay. I am going to start a bit half-assed with this entry, but hey gotta start somewhere, amiright? yes, i am. And not only that, but Leonora has barely been seen in this blog ... and so, we have a lot of catching up to do.

So, on the most beautiful day of the fall yet, we went apple picking! Here are some nice photos of the day, (sorry if the captions are a bit dullsville):

They do offer more than just apples.

Dandelion fan

Another dandelion fan.

Reaching for a tall one!

I love these little girls.

shiny apples

Strong sabine

Smelling green tomatoes... "yuck, stinky!"

sniff sniff

these are ancient tomatoes

Let me show you how!

Let's blow it together